- Talents
- Arcane Talents
- General Talents
- Athletics
- Awareness
- Charm
- Climb
- Folk Ken
- Guile
- Concentration
- Skills
- Academic Skills
- Disputatio
- Lectio
- Scribe (language)
- Combat Skills
- Brawling
- Single Weapon
- Sheild and Weapon
- Two weapons
- Great weapon
- Chain weapon ??
- Longshaft Weapon
- Thrown Weapon
- Bows
- Cross bows
- Siege Equipment
- Skills (continued)
- Hermetic Skills
- Performance Skills
- Jongleur
- Play (instrument)
- Sing
- Storytelling
- Rogue Skills
- Disguise
- Forgery
- Legerdemain
- Pick Locks
- Stealth
- Social Skills
- Bargain
- Carouse
- Etiquette
- Intrigue
- Leadership
- Wilderness Skills
- Animal Handling
- Hunt
- Ride
- Survival
- Swim
- Skills (continued)
- Work Skills
- Boating
- Chirurgery
- Craft (type)
- Wagoneering
- Knowledges
- Academic Knowledges
- Artes Liberales
- Civil and canon law
- Medicine
- Philosophiae
- Speak Latin
- Theology
- Arcane Knowledges
- Enigmatic Wisdom
- Faerie Lore
- Hermetic law
- Hermes Lore
- Occult Lore
- Magic Theory
- General Knowledges
- (Area) lore
- (Organisation) Lore
- Legend Lore
- Speak (Language)