Vitenka: 1544
I made this / Cat Games - Less lag, more 'thats bad'
/ MORAT / freespace / Catnews / Editorial
There's nothing to see here except for shadows of the past - and these ones won't be returning.

I'd point you to my next project here - but I'm not that organised. My style is to act and then sort out the consequences, rather than the other way around. Oh, and lying. I do that a lot too. (i.e. if you look closely, you may have seen some links appearing roughly once a week) is registered to me for the forseeable future, so you might find something there.

Edited by Vitenka at 2003-04-09 08:22:54

Vitenka : Wed 18 04:43:26 2001  

Try to figure out why this is relevant

Corporate websites involved - Adherent and Tektronix

Synergies is a word that means "we used to be competitors, but now we own you" to be fair, there is only direct competition in a couple of areas, and adh outdo tek on those - but tek have PQA stuff that adh don't.

Tek claim to be giving their entire MPEG business to adh - which would sort of make sense. But...

Claims not to make to this author include a boring story about how, indirectly, making test equipment for electronics saves babies lives. Yes, it's true - but it's trite, and totally irrelevant. And it's just as true for competitors too.

Also wasn't it just a tad tactless to say 'working here' meaning tek, when 'here' is still technically adh until 5:30PST....

Now, moving on to claims that really rub this author the wrong way - selling MPEG test equipment is helping to democratise china, and free the population there. I'm sorry, but yankee rhetoric isn't pleasant.

It really osunds like they haven't worked out all the ins and outs.

The project I rushed to complete just in time for NAB... isn't going to NAB... Arrrgh.

On the plus side, I just recieved the letter about the bonus scheme. Let's just say it doesn't suck, and doubles if I stay for eighteen months.

I'll get my resume polished anyway, but looks like MORAT will have to live with me just working for free for at least another eighteen months.

Hang on, that's bad.

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