Vitenka: 1529
I made this / Cat Games - Less lag, more 'thats bad'
/ MORAT / freespace / Catnews / Editorial
There's nothing to see here except for shadows of the past - and these ones won't be returning.

I'd point you to my next project here - but I'm not that organised. My style is to act and then sort out the consequences, rather than the other way around. Oh, and lying. I do that a lot too. (i.e. if you look closely, you may have seen some links appearing roughly once a week) is registered to me for the forseeable future, so you might find something there.

Edited by Vitenka at 2003-04-09 08:22:54

Vitenka : Thu 31 09:56:53 2001  
... in which we make your clan server a part of the MORAT network ...

Served to serv

The main URL you will need:

Starting a group

I think it's safe to assume that this is the first server you've linked to the system - in which case you will need to set up an account for it.

The Morat server management page is your starting point.

Read the long agreement there, then say that you agree.

Now, a long form needs filling in. First of all pick a group name, make it short. Example groups are 'catnews' and 'morat' and 'wof/fcu'

Next the name of your server - this is longer 'UT CTF 1' or 'Catnews -tpf-'

Next the hostname or IP address of your server, and the port it's running on. These are pretty obvious.

Then the rcon password. The morat system needs the rcon if you want to be able to control the server through IRC, and to be able to give other admins permission to do so (they won't get the rcon password even if you do)

You CAN lie in this field, but if you do so most of the admin features just won't work.

Next say what game you run - this will tell the system which pages to advertise your server on. (eg.

Maximum players. If this changes you put the largest it ever gets to.

Now a comments field. This is your short space to advertise your server with.
It's a good idea to mention what country your server is in, any special rules surrounding it, what times of day it is up, give props to your krew - whatever.

Country - this helps people know which servers to connect to (US servers for US players - better ping that way)

Now the hours your server is online. If your server is only up some days of the week, or some hours of the day then say so here.

There is one little addition here - if your server switches between different games then you would pretend that it is two seperate servers, and tell the system that they are up at different times. Adding a second server is something we'll get to in a bit - for now, just put the first one in.

Server Admin

Now you'll be in control of one server group, with one server in it. You'll be taken to it's edit page (which you can also get to through

From here you can tell the system what services you want activating.


You can temporarily deactivate the server (for whatever reason) You'll normally want to set this to 'active'

Reporting to

Set what irc channel you want the server to report to - #exodus for example.

Map voting

This enables the votebot 'start mapvote' system. The box is for a list of maps that you want to be voteable (this doens't have to bear any resemblence to your normal mapcycle, but it'd probably make more sense to include at least that)

Some work your end

Sorry, we're not quite done yet.

You have to make sure that your server is sending its logs to morat, otherwise reporting to IRC (and the other functions) won't be able to work.

You want to send the logs to

For most quake based games (and definitely all half-life games) you will do this by putting the following lines into your server.cfg:

logaddress 20042
log on
mp_logfile 1
mp_logecho 1
setmaster add


You need to register the channel that you are reporting into. The admins on irc live only to serve (honest) so if you explain what you are trying to do, they'll get this stage sorted.

Phew. Now what?

'Edit admins' - You need to give some people the right to control your server.

There are three levels of control available. The top level can control the entire group, add and delete servers, the works. That's you that is.

The second level is individual server control, they can change all the details you've played with so far, but only for one server.

The bottom level, not listed in the drop down box until you add it, is 'rcon' - this is the normal admin level. They can kick and ban people, change maps, that sort of thing.

If you *like* you can give rcon permission to the 'normal' group of admins (look on the exodus page for the list) - this will make your server truly a part of the morat network.

Ok, what can I do with it?

Finally, you get to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

First of all, you can sit in the irc channel, and watch moratbot spam you with match reports. (It'll say who joined, who left, scores and such - and if you've got it set for the right gametype, more information about who shot whom)

If you enabled it, you will be able to join the server, and get 'start mapvote' functionality (might be a good idea to mention this in the motd...)

And - you get to rcon your server from that irc.


/msg moratbot rcon [USER] [PASSWORD] [SERVER-IP] [PORT] [COMMAND]

Um. Some explanation here...

/msg moratbot rcon Vitenka LikeImGonnaTellYou 27015 banid 0 58312 kick

You can issue any command to your server like this that you could normally issue by rcon. In fact moratbot will reply exactly as the console would.

It's a good idea to set up an alias in your irc client to make it easier to type in a hurry (and make it less likely that you accidentaly reveal your password)

Oh, the username/password are your normal morat login ones...

Wow, that was long

Well yeah - but then, running a server is always going to be a bit complicated - hopefully once you get all this sorted it'll be easier for other people to use your server.

Good luck, and welcome to the morat server network.

Edited by Vitenka at 2001-05-31 10:45:31

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