Tip 20 - I remembered!

The reason the previous tip was so boring to write, and the reason it came out so lame - it didn't have a story!

But thats ok! Crossover2 has no reason to exist, and even the people who made it got bored of making it mid way through (can you spot the untextured bits?) so I am excused.

The war had been long, and bloody. The fortresses were seperated by a long canyon - but nothing was alive there - everything had been destroyed.

The only things remaining to mark the future were the 'bridge of snipers' and the creeping bases, which had long since grown along the sides of the canyon.

And people, being people, fought each other aimlessly - until one day, roughly 30 seconds after the map started, assuming prematch isn't broken again, the flags returned.

And the people once more had a reason to live, and to die.

Ah hell, it's badlands? What do tyou want me to say?

The bases are very far apart, pressure doens't work.

The sniper deck is probably the main attack route, although going in the front door and jumping into the flag well that way is lovely too.

The flag will USUALLY exit via the canyon tunnel - but getting it out the sniper deck is harder to stop.
Time your attacks, kill the sentry guns, and be aware that the enemy has plenty of time between attacks to change completely where they are defending.

Defence, stop the sniper deck entrance - since it is versatile enough to put atackers anywher einto your defence, and also the sniper deck forward can see what other rtoutes the enemy is using.

Exit to your flag well is good to defend ,and you'll have to mostly defend it against soldiers who can RJ up - BUT
*anyone* can grenjump up, pyros can rj up, and a precision conc ill get in too.

Sentry guns at the top can point into the flag well, but are easier to take out than other positions at the top.

Guard your sentry guns, keep account of how many enemyies there are, and where they are, so that your defenders don't get crept up behind - keep everything covered, and bring sufficient force to bear on any attack.


This is a VERY big map - if you can take and hold a midfield position, then things can work well. A dispenser, a medic, and you can have your own little restock.

A good posiiton is on one of the side ledges that the bridge goes over - from here you can prepare and launch heavy assaults, and harass the enemy offence.

Don't harass them too much, or they will put in the effort to flush you out - and at best this will turn the gae into a spamming match, and lock the scores.

(At worst it'll provide enough distraction to you that they break through and cap)

This map is growing on me. It used to be pretty crappy. But the bugs have been fixed.

Alright, other things to consider. The tunnel entrance to your base. It is rarely used, and your team has NO reason to come in that way (unless they have a flag)

So anyone coming out of there is a spy. Simple.

Spies can be a good asset on this map, like cross2, it's big enough to hide from pursuers - and also like cross2 you typically only need to remove one key defence point and have good comms to get the cap.

HWG make good defenders on this map - as do demons (for both the pipefield and the spam)

Engineers will be used a LOT - so soldiers would work well on offence... except that there are no seperate armour backpacks.

Medics will probably be your attack class of choice. Conc the enemy about so that they can't time the detonation, and so that they fall into the flag pit and die in their own spam.

Spaced rush is also useful, you need to hit the enemy TWICE in one attack, the first time to remove them, and then you have to WAIT for the spam to die away before you can attack again.

So going in in pairs is probably optimal, with good timing between the pairs so that the second hits just as the first dies.

Yick. This map is almost as bad as 2fort for having a range of strategies. In fact it's worse, because no one has sorted out the optimal ones yet.

Right, demon at the base of the flag well, with pipefield half on the flag, and half just outside.
Engineer + sentry gun dissuading too many people attacking from out front.
Throw in a HWG and engineer + gun up top of the flag well, paying special atention to the sniper deck (maybe have the disp right out there?) and you should have something reasonably solid.

Try a 4 spy offence, just on one run - they'll be paranoid about spies for the rest of the game, and, frankly, what enemy expects FOUR spies? Grab the flag in the confusion.

Some basic points for any map now - I think.

Be flexible, but stay disciplined. SOMEONE needs to decide to change your offence or defence, but it must be done in a coordinated fashion, not haphazardly by each individual deciding to move.

Remember, you need to adapt to counter a situation BEFORE it occurs - afterwards and the flag has gone, and it's too late.

Every offence and every defence has a counter to it - find it, use it. And if the enemy is about to find it, move to counter that.

MOST maps it is possible to lock down. You do NOT do this by pulling solely onto defence - one or two offence is required to keep the enemy having to have 3 or 4 defence.

Don't do this if you are losing - it's dumb. Its also not teribly sportsmanlike to do it if you are winning - nor always a good idea. Because the enemy MIGHT break it - and if they do, you would have been better off building up a good lead first.

When you have a position, or a role to play, don't abandon your post. Tell the next teammate in line that a wounded enemy of whatever class is coming their way, and move back to cover against the next one.

Otherwise all of your teammates can be dragged into one place by a clever enemy, and a single well placed EMP or MIRV ends your hopes of winning.

Flag room possession. Some maps are set up to allow you to take and hold the enemy flag room. Well is like this. 2fort is a bit like this. (Badlands is not)

If you can do it, then do - your other attacking teammates will want to hang back a bit, midfield some more, and harass the forward defenders. Ending up with 3 of you in the flag room waiting fo rthe 4th to cap is a bad thing, again due ot the single well placed explosion.

And so, with flags to fight over the people did cry out "We are ingrates. 10.16 sucks. Give us back our mirvs. We want TF2. Where's the new netcode?" little did they know the new horror that would come soon.
