Tip 30 - Teamwork

URL: http://half-life.morat.net/tfc/guides/
Hassle them to put the tips past 14 up!

Oh - there is NO tip29- the tip you may find is an imposter. But it's funny.

Since I aimed the last real tip at clan play, this one is aimed at public play.

There are two situations I will consider. The first is that you have a small group of players that you know, and who can work together - but you want the rest of the team in on it.
And the second, much harder one, where you enter a server without knowing anyoneon it.

The first situation has some extra tips, but most of the second will also apply, so I'll just kinda lump them together.

1. Be friendly

This is so simple I shouldn't need to tell you. Be friendly! Say 'Hi all' or whatever when you enter the server.
When you select the smaller team - ASK WHAT THEY NEED.

'O or D?' is a common thing to ask, and it SHOULD receive an answer - even if it's 'dunno' or 'either'

Most of all, when there's a small group of you who know each other on the server, don't close everyone off from your comms. Try not to use nonstandard abbreviations too much - try to demonstarate how much use your comms are.

If you are lucky enouh to be using voice comms in your group, then don't forget that the rest of your team can't hear them - and to supplement them with text.

A good way to do this is to use your normal text binds for basic information, then voice for finer detail.
(Eg. text bind "Incoming light class by battlements" and then voice "Medic, wounded, heading for spiral")

2. Initiate communication

Communication is absolutely THE key to teamwork. Remember, they aren't speaking because you aren't speaking. TALK to them. Even if they don't respond at first, they will once they realise how useful your information is.

Don't give orders, give suggestions (there's an earlier tip on this) but DO do it - warn them of incomings, you know the drill.

3. Complement thir class choices

You aren't in charge, yet. If they are playing all D, play O. If their D looks like it needs an engineer, be that engineer.

Remember to account for the boid factor, and swich reasonably regularly when your team starts mimicking you.

4. A new way to spread the word

If you MUST use taunt binds, use good natured ones. And, especially when its true, "Don't think you died due to my skill, or your lack of it - it was my teams teamwork"

Try it, it might help mor people realise ho much it helps to tell your team when someone gets past you.

5. Hold your fire!

Don't get involved in fights unless you have a clear shot - better by far to hold off, and avoid aggravating your teammates. This is just a generally good idea, but you'd be surprised at how many times you see both yard soldiers heading for the same scout...

6. Use grenades sparingly.
Remember, just because YOU don't need to use that exit, doesn't mean no one else does. This applies double when you're only in communication with some of your team.

It goes triple for grenades with long durations, like nail grenades or napalm.

Unless you are certain it's not needed, hold off.

7. Don't bunch up

If a teammate wants the position that you are defending, move forward to a new position, or fall back to cover for them and others.

If a teammate starts following you around, they probably think you are a spy.

8. Don't spread out too much

You need to be able to see each other, and cover for each other when needed.

9. Don't take all the credit

When you cap / hold them off, thank your teammates for the assist. Don't gloat over killing enemies.

10. Aid in every way you can.

Even if it slows you down, your teammates will work better with you if they know that you will heal / spanner them when needed.

Oh, and an observation - the default key binding for 'throw ammo' which you want to do immediately after leaving respawn, right next to the bind for "help me I'm in need of medical attention" which you don't :)
So if someone calls it out in that situation, they probably just hit the wrong key, they aren't being an idiot on purpose.
