cubic 0 100 200 0 300 400 400 200 #line 250 0 250 500 cubic 400 200 433 150 465 250 500 300 line 200 200 400 400 line 200 400 400 200 #line 250 0 250 500 line 200 400 400 400 line 200 200 200 400 kline 6 0 0 100 0 100 100 50 150 0 100 0 0 line 400 400 400 200 line 400 200 200 200 oval 200 200 400 400 end # Stuff after an 'end' should never be processed # Currently the only directives we understand are: # line sx sy ex ey # -- Draws a straight line in current pen color etc. from (sx,sy) to (ex,ey) # cubic sy sy c1x c1y c2x c2y ex ey # -- Draws a curve from sx sy to ex ey, bending towards c1 and c2 # # All drawing is on a canvas that is (maxx,maxy) in size - # the image is then stretched to fit the actual canvas size # # It is advisable to start every task with a space # Otherwise a comment in the middle of a line trashes not only # that task, but the next one as well. #