Page last altered: Tue 29 Aprli 2003
Not finished, but you can play around with it if you like.
Choose "_index.html" to view it, from the subdirectory with the largest number.
I wanted to keep a file list, and can't be arsed scripting one - which is why it isn't index.html. Say thankyou to apache autoindex.
Flaky contains bleeding edge 'I just wanted to test this in a browser' stuff - it'll sometimes lag behind the main builds, and sometimes just crash a lot. Explore at risk.
It's a vector graphics viewer. I'm just too cheap to shell out for a flash editor (and hey, I've got a shiny new java IDE to test out and, um, java to relearn almost from scratch)
I think I'll leave the individual files accessible, in case you want to play with them seperately.
Higher version numbers have more functionality and (hopefully) at least the same stability.
Please give me any feedback on what platforms they work on - I've got it in the applet viewer and IExplorer - but I have a java sdk so that may not be a good test.
Known working in:
Sun SKD2 Applet viewer
IE6 (with sun sdk installed)
Loading times suck. So do jar files. Bite me and get a webcache. (Will probably work on this if I ever hit a release)