

CopperLicht API documentation

Welcome to the CopperLicht 3D Engine API documentation. You'll find any information you'll need to develop 3d games and applications with the CopperLicht 3D Engine here. If you are looking for a tutorial on how to start, you'll find some on the homepage of the CopperLicht 3D Engine or inside the SDK in the examples directory.


Hello World Shows how to display a very simple interactive 3d scene using CopperLicht. No programming required for this tutorial.
Movement and Keyboard input Shows how to move 3d objects by pressing keys, and how to use animators.
Custom Scene Nodes Shows how create a custom scene node and how to use CopperLicht without CopperCube. You will also see how to load textures, use BillBoards and Cameras and how to change Materials.
Character animation Demonstrates how to do character animation in CopperLicht.
2D Overlays Demonstrates 2d text overlays, how to caculate the 2d position from a 3d position and how to use the OnAnimate handler.
Custom materials and shaders Demonstrates how to create custom materials and shaders.
Collision detection and response Demonstrates how to do collision detection in CopperLicht.

Class Index

A list of all classes in CopperLicht:

AnimatedMeshSceneNode A scene node displaying an animated Mesh, usually a skeletal animated character.
Animator An animator can be attached to a scene node and animates it.
AnimatorAnimateTexture Scene node animator changing the texture of SceneNodes so that they appear animated.
AnimatorCameraFPS Special scene node animator for first person shooter cameras.
AnimatorCameraModelViewer Special scene node animator for model viewer cameras.
AnimatorCollisionResponse Scene node animator making SceneNodes move using autoamtic collision detection and response
AnimatorFlyCircle Scene node animator making SceneNodes move in a circle
AnimatorFlyStraight Scene node animator making SceneNodes move along straight line between two points.
AnimatorFollowPath Scene node animator making SceneNodes move along a path, uses PathSceneNode to define the path.
AnimatorOnClick Scene node animator which invokes a callback function when the scene node has been clicked.
AnimatorOnProximity Scene node animator which invokes a callback function when the scene node gets near another scene node.
AnimatorRotation Scene node animator making SceneNodes rotate
BillboardSceneNode A billboard is like a 3d sprite: A 2d element, which always looks to the camera.
Box3d Axis aligned bounding box.
CameraSceneNode Scene Node which is a (controlable) camera.
CopperLicht The main class of the CopperLicht engine, representing the 3D engine itself.
Core Contains basic helper functions to convert between angles, finding minima and maxima of numbers and similar
CubeSceneNode A class rendering a simple cube of default size 10 with one material.
Material Material description, usually for a MeshBuffer.
Matrix4 A 4x4 matrix, mostly used as transformation matrix for 3d calculations.
Mesh Class which holds the geometry of an object
MeshBuffer A buffer containing a set of geometry with one material.
MeshSceneNode A scene node displaying a static Mesh.
MeshTriangleSelector Interface to return triangles with specific properties, useful for collision detection.
MetaTriangleSelector Interface for making multiple triangle selectors work as one big selector.
OctTreeTriangleSelector OctTree implementation of a triangle selector, useful for collision detection.
PathSceneNode A path scene node stores a 3d path which can be used for example by Animators to move SceneNodes along it.
Plane3d 3d plane class with lots of operators and methods
Quaternion Quaternion class for representing rotations
Renderer 3D renderer, interface for drawing 3d geometry.
Scene A 3d scene, containing all SceneNodes.
SceneNode The base class for scene nodes, a node in the hierarchical 3d scene rendering graph.
SkyBoxSceneNode A class rendering a sky box around the whole scene.
Texture Class representing a texture which can be loaded from an URL.
TextureManager texture manager containing all Textures and able to load new ones, accessible via CopperLicht.getTextureManager().
Triangle3d 3d triangle class consisting of 3 points in space, formin a triangle
TriangleSelector Interface to return triangles with specific properties, useful for collision detection.
Vect2d 2d vector class, used for example for texture coordinates.
Vect3d 3d vector class with lots of operators and methods
Vertex3D A 3d vertex, ususally used in MeshBuffers
© 2010 N.Gebhardt, Ambiera
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