

Class BillboardSceneNode

A billboard is like a 3d sprite: A 2d element, which always looks to the camera.

Extends SceneNode.

Class Overview
A billboard is like a 3d sprite: A 2d element, which always looks to the camera. It is usually used for explosions, fire, lensflares, particles and things like that.

Fields borrowed from class SceneNode:
Id, Name, Pos, Rot, Scale, Selector, Visible
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get the axis aligned, not transformed bounding box of this node.
gets the size of the billboard
Returns the type string of the scene node.
setSize(x, y)
sets the size of the billboard
Methods borrowed from class SceneNode:
addAnimator, addChild, createClone, getAbsolutePosition, getAbsoluteTransformation, getAnimatorOfType, getAnimators, getMaterial, getMaterialCount, getParent, getRelativeTransformation, getTransformedBoundingBox, init, OnAnimate, OnRegisterSceneNode, removeAnimator, removeChild, render, updateAbsolutePosition
Method Detail
{Box3D} getBoundingBox()
Get the axis aligned, not transformed bounding box of this node. This means that if this node is an animated 3d character, moving in a room, the bounding box will always be around the origin. To get the box in real world coordinates, just transform it with the matrix you receive with getAbsoluteTransformation() or simply use getTransformedBoundingBox(), which does the same.
{Box3D} Bounding box of this scene node.

{Vect2d} getSize()
gets the size of the billboard

{String} getType()
Returns the type string of the scene node. Returns 'billboard' for the mesh scene node.
{String} type name of the scene node.

setSize(x, y)
sets the size of the billboard

© 2010 N.Gebhardt, Ambiera
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