
Bob's Diary

What follows are extracts from the Diary of Jim "Bob" Carrington, edited for sake of consistency and clarity:

(5th Session):
1st November 2013:
Woke up late with a splitting headache and my tongue feeling like sandpaper, tried to remember what happened yesterday, oh yeah, that helped haul bricks around until the stiffness wore off, I think I'm coming to grips with Sly's death. Bitch looks like hell. Pilot's licence came in post, must have come just after we left, somehow it should be more important that it feels. Took more sedatives to avoid the nightmares.
2nd November 2013:
Woke up late again, the rest of the team have been hauling bricks again, I suppose they decided they could do without me after last night, frankly I don't blame them, got dressed, had Ration bar for breakfast, I don't think I could face the canteen right now, the place looks like hell, the plaster is hanging off the walls and we're still on emergency lighting until they can restore power. The rest of the team left a note, briefing 10:00 Kurazaro's office, I reckon I can make that.
Kuri seems to be buried under a pile of paperwork apparently the government has decided in it's infinite wisdom to hire us as temporary police for "The Duration of the Crisis" whatever the hell that means. Our job is to take over at the emergency centre by the hospital, we get badges and everything, decided to leave the brand new AK at base and take a beretta, probably won't need anything heavy for crowd control.
Day at crowd control started out OK, a couple of weirdoes in the crowd (23rd disciple of Nostradamus spouting some crap about the end of the world, I'd be angry if I didn't half believe him) a couple of annoying children, our job was take care of those who weren't seriously in a bad way outside, distribute supplies and make sure the hospital wasn't sacked for supplies. I started doing my first aid thing. A junior medic came out and announced the hospital was full, Bruce and Blue went in for some medical supplies and came out with boxes of bandages which were promptly stolen along with the megaphone (Nostradamus bloke got it I think), apparently the hospital wasn't quite so full but we let it pass and continued to do the crowd control.
About three the hospital kitchens finally came good on their promise for something to eat for the crowd, one would have thought this was a good thing, it was until the people at the back started to push forward and a riot ensued. At this point not only do I wish I had brought my AK for crowd control but that I also had the good sense to bring a fucking flame thrower. Well you live and learn, I grabbed a child nearby to stop him from being trampled to death and ran for the hospital.
Inside the hospital I was unfortunately forced to disconnect the coffee machine from the wall and use it as a barricade, this did not go down well with the junior medic. Pixie took an immediate dislike to the child I had rescued and tried to kill him, we were forced to restrain him and shot out a light in the process, I think the strain was getting to everyone at that point. After much cajoling we got the medic to fess up that the upper floors were under quarantine and that was why the hospital wasn't in use. At this point the total idiocy of the fuckwits in government to organise a rescue center (now a riot) outside a plague center became clear. Then again they hired us, 'nuff said. We decided to investigate, maybe they were just hoarding stores, we proceeded to outside the quarantined ward where large genuine looking DO NOT ENTER BIOHAZARD signs were placed, we knocked on the door, they told us to go away, after getting a lab coat to look convincing I went in anyway, this was a mistake. I shall make it my new year's resolution (providing I live that long) to think twice before entering Biohazard areas. Pixie and Bitch followed, it kind of looked genuine, people dying on beds, a proper "This quarantine is genuine. You are fucked" certificate. I started to worry.
The doctor started to explain that the disease is airborne, so we couldn't leave, it has a 48 hour incubation period, so we would have to wait around to die, and that the patients suffer a rather unpleasant death from a delirious fever. At this point Bitch started to break down and cry, I figure she was due a breakdown sooner or later. I gave her something to calm her down while the other radioed the situation in and requested supplies and riot clearance. Meanwhile there were patients who required attention, I'm no doctor but I know enough to help. At that point that's enough.
Delta Force came and cleared the riot and the supplies came through, watching Delta try to maintain biosecurity protocols are laughable, they got half the street covered with disinfectant, they also brought fuel for the generator which was on its last legs. We also got biohazard suits, I declined, if I've broke quarantine then I've broke quarantine, I'm certainly not going to die in one of those giant inflatable condoms because of it. a little after that weird shit started happening. Again.
I heard screaming, not the usual screaming I had heard from the patients as they spasm in their last few moments of agony but the types of screams that haunt my dreams and send a burst of adrenaline though my system all at once, the screams of someone being torn apart, I went running, beretta ready. Of all the things I expected to be shooting at, patients wasn't one of them, but I was, the patients started to twist and transform into half-man half-beast type things and attack the doctors, who were cut to pieces before I could get there, I opened fire and took one of them down. A times like this what you really want by or side is a gun wielding maniac or maybe a knife wielding one, Pixie provided me with just what I wanted. The patients were morphing, I was firing, Pixie was knifing and Bitch was killing the patients that hadn't already morphed, things were not good, at this point the others came to the rescue, I really see the point of Blue's twin uzis now, we killed everyone not already dead on the critical list except for 10 morphs which escaped in the fight, we radioed in and were ordered to evac.
After much discussion on escape routes we decided to leave via the front door, unfortunately so did the morphs and Blue lost an Uzi when one of them hit him with a fire extinguisher, we left that damm hospital via a window like cowards, wish I had torched the place. We were almost back at base when weird thing 274 for the day happened, a dragon about the size of a HGV and black as night crashed into the top of our tower. I'd like to say its the most surreal thing I'd seen that day. Truly I would like to say that, but it would be lying.
Entry continues in 6th Session.

Index ; What the F*ck ; Body Count ; Who's playing Who ; What's been happening