
Bob's Diary

What follows are extracts from the Diary of Jim "Bob" Carrington, edited for sake of consistency and clarity:

(7th Session):
3rd November 2013:
Prepared for Armageddon. Made small stockpile of food, ammo and tobacco. Decided to improve my aim a little at the firing range, seem to be getting better at dodging the beams in the laser range too.
Bitch was moved back into the building when people started arriving back last night, she's still in sick bay, she got burned nasty yesterday, don't look too good that girl.
4th November 2013:
Decided to go to the chapel today the city seems to be going to hell so it's the closest I guess we have to church right now it felt funny, haven't been in years, I stopped going after Bosnia, I guess I didn't really see the point any more but after the last few days I guess you could say I have a new motivation. Dug out my cross again, might actually be useful one of these days. More importantly I decided to take the tests on the heavy weapons courses on the computer, they probably will come in useful one of these days.
5th November 2013:
WOOHOO! I am now certified for access to the Heavy weapons lockers!, right now I don't feel too confident about using too much, besides the others won't let me (Bastards) but I do get to upgrade to Flex armour, its a bit heavier than I'm used to but who cares, it stops bullets, that's all I need.
We got the last few people back we're going to I think, most of the city seems to have gone to the dogs, literally, the "works" as they're being called are everywhere, there's reports of fighting having been happening for years and the government seem to be growling a lot. We do have a plan for getting through to the rest of the world. What's left of Bravo and Spock seem to have got the internal communications fixed so if we go to the post office tower we can rig their satellite dish to work with our communications. Bravo have took the last jeep to the local civilian airfield to check on the number of available helicopters there (it don't look like the military will give us another) so we had to steal a VW Beetle to get us to the tower, once again I'm driving one of these through the streets of hell, I noticed a small card with puppies on the front on the seat, it had blood stains on it, hello Sarajevo, I'd wondered where you went in my life.
We got to the tower, there were scorch marks and bodies around the entrance, it looked like someone had been holed up in there for a while, I could tell it wasn't anything special, just molotov cocktails, we decided to try the radio just in case. After a few channels of growling we got through to someone inside, eventually we got inside ourselves, there were only a few of them holed up in there with some pistols and cocktails, they'd been fighting off works since the day after the first quakes they attack around nightfall and seem to be divided into two groups smart big ones and not so smart bigger ones, a few of their own had been killed and got back up as works, I examined the defences, just in case we had to be there a while, Spock got to work on the radio.
Spock took a while getting the radio mast up and running but he did, the guy from the department who said he couldn't shut up and started to send to base, although we had no idea if they were getting it because their transmission capabilities were slightly limited. We tried the Delta Force relay network and got growls, sod, another team down. The transmissions made for interesting viewing there were scenes from SE Main of lots of fighting, a helicopter going down and their Alpha team fighting their way back into the base before pegging it severely, there was also a whole bunch of encrypted stuff we couldn't decipher in the field. We decided to get back to base before nightfall and went to the car park to loot for something better than a Beetle.
Just as we'd got two of the mobile television news vans kited out to satisfaction something unexpected happened, a dragon hit the roof of the building opposite. Now, contrary to popular opinion this Bob is no fool, the last time a dragon hit any roofs I know of Bravo had just switched on an radio mast, curiously enough.... I screamed at Spock to switch off the radio until he did, the dragon stopped breathing fire on the mast.
After much discussion we decided on the following plan, we would send one of the vans on ahead with the injured, mean while Blue would switch on the radio to distract the dragon and then run as fast as possible back to the second van and we would make like a banana and split. Unlike most of our plans it worked without a hitch, on the way back there seemed to be whole bunch of dragons heading the other way, one came down the street doing stunts in defiance of the laws of physics and nearly hit the van but we made it back to HQ in before sunset, the injured were taken to the infirmary (I hear even the medics have guns down there now, I suppose Bitch might be a bit much to handle unarmed) and we went to Kuri for briefing. We've got the geeks to hack into local spy satellites and we can see the rest of the local cities. They seem to have been shrunk and have a circle of destruction around them with more, new buildings around the outsides. There are large fires throughout the towns and cities in the islands, anything trying to leave a five mile radius of Wellington explodes, there's a storm front to the west and Bravo team went crazy and opened fire on the staff at the airport.
Erm.. yeah that last one needs expanding on, apparently Bravo team got the airport staff to open their bunker pretty much as we did then everyone except the communications officer began to open fire on the people inside, apparently voluntary, the communications officer got away before the dead started to raise up as works but then more works came and got him, so now we're the only squad left in base, I bet the boss is pleased.
Spent the night watching the dragons circling the radio tower and wondering why it's still working, oh yeah and why the real-time video from SE Main we got is about 5 days old. I suppose it'll make sense at some point.

Index ; What the F*ck ; Body Count ; Who's playing Who ; What's been happening