
Bob's Diary

What follows are extracts from the Diary of Jim "Bob" Carrington, edited for sake of consistency and clarity:

(8th Session):
November 6th 2013:
More making the base secure, took first shift at the main entrance, a couple of works appeared then disappeared when we pumped bullets in them. About lunchtime Kuri called us in, the decision to evacuate has been made, our first job is to go and check out whatever's happening to anything that tries to leave the city, we decided to take the TV van plus heavy machine gun out to the five mile radius and have us a look. Regrettably the upgrade of having a large flame-thrower mounted on the roof had not been completed or even started, in fact now I mention the guys in maintenance were laughing when they agreed, someone must have told a joke or something so they'd forgot. Meh, I'll ask them again when I get round to it, maybe I should take one along to demonstrate why it's useful to have a flame-thrower at all, could work.
We got through the city all right, lets just say I've had practise in driving past a sniper alley before, the barrier was pretty easy to spot, it was a large junk heap across the road with lots of burned cars, we parked a bit away and decided to test it out. Various tests were devised which included remote controlled cars, grenades, my brand new 2-bore shotgun, and eventually climbing up the junk heap. At this point we were attacked by a group of works. Somehow I think we slightly outgunned them with our Uzis and M16s and all, those that didn't die, ran.
Our results were currently thus. The destructive force was not a large invincible barrier of death, it was some sort of zone of weird shit, living things appeared unaffected by it, radios are, so are grenades, neither works inside the zone. This still didn't explain why cars exploded over it. We tried a flare gun, it worked, ten minutes later our emergency backup (Spock on a bike looking exhausted) turned up. I decided to experiment with a petrol bomb, once again it was unaffected, I tried my Firestar, it fired like my shotgun, this is wrong for a pistol, this I know, I tried my lighter, it exploded, this is wrong for a lighter, I stepped back and tried a grenade, the blast knocked the van over, this is how a grenade really should work, but not ought to. The works attacked again, this time with more force, we still outclassed them but we decided to leave before they came back and outnumbered us. We had enough information, chemical combustion sometimes works, sometimes doesn't and sometimes blows stuff up, it kind of explained the reason internal combustion engines explode when leaving the city.
The next phase is to gather everybody together so we can escape on foot, after much debate Kuri announced we would be using the airport and sending the message out on the broadcasting tower, which has somehow still survived the continuous dragon breath its been getting recently. It also appears that someone has left Kuri a computer that decrypts radio signals emanating from the dragons, it's how they talk, the machine can also let us talk to the dragons themselves. Useful that. We go to secure the airport tomorrow. Prayed, had a ciggie, went to bed.
November 7th 2013:
We headed to the airport in the morning, the obvious place to go would have been the control tower for a good view of the place but the tower connected to the main building as we can't secure anything like that alone, we decided to go for a hanger and flew a flag from it. We constructed a makeshift barricade with a few boxes around the building and got the plane out and on the runway and prepped, just in case. The first few civvies arrived about an hour after we did, more followed, we added the cars to the barricade and put the people in the hanger out of too much sight. We've got about 300 people and night's starting to fall, the boss should be here by now with the stuff from base, we've decided to leave in the morning if they don't show.
November 8th 2013:
We got a few more civvies in the night, some of them had been attacked pretty bad and I had to shoot one when he got died and got back up again, not the best way to do things but, meh. The boss showed up too with a couple of truck loads of stuff from the base and some really big pallet-like things like the thing we used in Bosnia to airlift stuff. I was about to point out that we couldn't take that out on foot when a dragon about the size of a 747 landed on the plane we set up on the runway for a quick escape. Two thoughts entered my head, the first was "Once again a dragon beats me to doing something violent with an aircraft", the second was "Oh Fuck!". It was at this point Kuri announced a slight change of plan and would we like to meet what was 3 weeks ago a 747, it's crew passengers and other cargo. I repeated my second thought out loud. We decided to protest mildly, it was during this protest that Bravo and Delta turned up in a people carrier, normally this would be fine, however, and far be it from me to be racist or sexist or nothing, they were giant rats! (oh yeah and Delta were dogs but there's not much change there). I ran for the heavy machine gun, other people did similar, Kuri dived for the machine to try and stop the dragon from "Pulling a Bob". Bravo and Delta did two things, the first was unload and set-up heavy weapons, the second was to put their hands up and ask to talk.
To cut a long story short we decided to let Bravo and Delta to come along, after all they seemed reasonable and didn't smell too much. We loaded the stuff and the civvies and took off, somehow with my incredible skill at talking to people and flying stuff I got made pilot of the dragon and got us nearly where we wanted to be.
I blame the following events directly on Blue and not myself, I repeat, I did not start the fire fight. We had the civvies and quite a bit of the stuff unloaded when we got wondering if guns worked outside the city and someone fired a gun in the air, or rather Blue got wondering and fired the gun, like I said I had nothing to do with this. Unfortunately Bravo and Delta were pretty jumpy, and a couple of them started firing at blue, a couple of us were pretty jumpy (not me once again) and started firing at them. Me and a giant rat in power armour tried to calm people down and stop the shooting but it was no use. He whipped out a hand held flame thrower and began to join in, someone put a large hole in his side, I freely admit that this time it was me, and my 2-bore shotgun firing on both barrels at once. I like my shotgun, it makes holes in things. Melee and fire fighting ensued, I got jumped by a giant kick-boxing rat who stopped me from reloading my shotgun and kicked it out of my hands, this is not a problem, I was carrying 7 more guns on me and shot him with one of my Derringer, Mmmmm... close combat guns, they also make hole in things. At some point during the combat some weird red aura stuff went on and I felt a power trying to infuse my body, frankly I let it, glad of the help.
Combat was ended when one of Delta made the mistake of shooting quite a few of the crowd and the dragon with a pulse laser, we took cover behind the dragon, Delta and Bravo took cover behind the flames, we won.
Unfortunately not everything went to plan from here on either. I'm currently looking at ocean as I write this, the dragon is cruising at a medium dragon like altitude and the rest of the team is on board. I think I'll ask Blue why he felt like opening fire and getting us into this mess.

Index ; What the F*ck ; Body Count ; Who's playing Who ; What's been happening