
Edith's Diary

Edith seems to have made a few random jottings at various times in what may once have been Bob's Diary. Dates from here on are estimated at best

(12th Session):

23rd December 2013 (apparently):.
Richard is gone.

We scattered, Richard did not come back, I want to hope but [entry ends]

The expedition is dead, I shouldn't have took them so close to the Tiger lands, I thought they were further away and because of me there are only three of us still alive, I cut the heads from the bodies, I don't know if it will work but I do know that doing nothing will get us dead.

The mercenaries are a mixed bunch, two of them are works, the one called Pixie is barely sentient but he's reasonably harmless. The one called Bitch is like the ones back in Sydney, she'll act friendly but sooner or later her claws will be around your throat. I was pretty relieved when she ran off, if she comes back it'll be for the worst, just like Sydney.

The mercenaries seem to have the organisation of one of Philipa's seminars on Quantum Uncertainy. I'm amazed they've lasted this long. actually no they have guns, guns mean more than organisation, after all look at the works.

The mercs are divided about where to go, frankly I'll follow them whatever they decide, they offer protection and all I have to do is get the food in, better than before. No, I had Richard then, oh gods Richard, why him?

The prevailing view seems to be to head towards the coast, I think Bruce has brought the others around to the idea of avoiding the desert, Bruce seems to be the leader in the group, Blue is argumentative and Spock says pretty much sod all but it's Bruce's plans they follow in the end.

The nights here are cold, much colder than I'd thought, maybe it's that Richard's not next to me or maybe its the weather. Gods I feel so alone.

Bitch is back, my hand still aches from when she snatched the shovel from it, it's nothing compared to what I've had but I should've learned not to try and fight works by now, that old arrogant streak showing itself again, I remember too well where that's taken me before now, I really don't want to be there again.

Bastards! They were the ones who stole the jeep, they sent the gang on the rampage, why didn't I catch on earlier. They have no idea what they did, no idea what we went through because of them, Bastards.

Index ; What the F*ck ; Body Count ; Who's playing Who ; What's been happening